According to Odaily, the U.S. election-themed Meme coin, known as MAGA Hat (MAGA), has been showing a strong performance. Ten days ago, a smart money address, identified as 0xF42, spent 0.46 ETH, equivalent to approximately 1360 USD, to purchase 52.6 billion MAGA. A day later, the same address began selling at a price of 242,000 USD, making a profit of 240,500 USD. This represents a return on investment of 180 times.

The Meme coin market, particularly those themed around the U.S. election, has been robust. The MAGA Hat coin is one such example of this trend. The smart money address 0xF42's actions demonstrate the potential profitability in this market. After purchasing a large quantity of MAGA, the address was able to sell for a significant profit just a day later.

This incident highlights the volatility and potential high returns in the cryptocurrency market, particularly in niche areas such as election-themed Meme coins. However, it's important to note that such high returns also come with high risks. Investors should always conduct thorough research and exercise caution when investing in such markets.