According to WuSaid, Péter Szilágyi, head of the Ethereum Foundation team, debated with Dankrad Feist, the proposer of Danksharding and a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, on MEV and its extension. Szilágyi said that MEV was an attack on Ethereum, and instead of fighting it, we shared the benefits with enough people to keep most people silent; liquidity staking was an attack on Ethereum, and instead of solving it, we promoted many cascading staking solutions, allowing everyone to choose their own "poison".

Feist said that many of us are swimming against the tide, taking a lot of heat for opposing large ecosystem players, and still doing our best to keep the protocol decentralized and censorship-free; for the staking pool, they don’t care at all whether they need an SSD to run the protocol. The main purpose is to make it easier and cheaper to run a full node, while being able to increase the gas limit to make Ethereum more accessible to everyone.