According to BlockBeats, on May 9, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin published a long article in-depth discussion of the importance and feasible paths of introducing a multi-dimensional gas pricing mechanism in Ethereum. Vitalik pointed out that Ethereum currently simplifies the pricing and limits of all resources into a single dimension of Gas. Although it simplifies the market design, it also causes significant efficiency losses. If the network needs to manage n different resources, single-dimensional Gas may result in a throughput loss of as much as n times.

EIP-4844 introduced multi-dimensional pricing for the first time in Ethereum, adding a dedicated Blob data area and setting independent prices and limits for it. This improvement reduced the cost of Rollup by 100 times, increased transaction volume by more than 3 times, and only slightly increased the theoretical maximum block size.

The article also discusses the necessity of adopting multi-dimensional Gas when introducing storage proof for stateless clients. Vitalik proposed two solutions to implement multi-dimensional Gas pricing: 1. Set a resource cap for each transaction, that is, the Gas of each transaction is priced at the larger value of the consumed data and computing resources. 2. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism similar to EIP-1559 for each resource. Vitalik emphasized that the introduction of multi-dimensional execution Gas will bring certain complexity at the EVM level, but in order to safely improve the scalability of Ethereum L1, this trade-off is worth it.