According to PANews, in response to Sui's official response to questions about its SUI token model, Justin Bons, founder and chief investment officer of crypto venture capital fund Cyber ​​Capital, commented: All of SUI's 'unallocated' supply has been allocated, and 84% of the pledged supply is still controlled by its 'founders'. He pointed out that SUI has no locking mechanism on the chain and can be transferred, which is far from ideal. He also criticized the Sui Foundation for calling a large amount of supply 'unallocated' and then admitting that these supplies have been allocated to the foundation.

Justin Bons called on the Sui Foundation to commit to transparency, stop referring to allocated staking supply as ‘unallocated’, and prove to the public that it cannot transfer those SUIs, otherwise he will continue to expose the hypocrisy of its transparency claims.