According to Odaily Planet Daily, Anton Gorelkin, Chairman of the Financial Market Committee of the Russian State Duma, proposed that the bill restricting cryptocurrency business exempts cryptocurrency miners and certain pilot projects supported by the central bank. He does not support a complete ban on the circulation of cryptocurrencies in Russia. This restriction is not intended to prohibit the use of all cryptocurrencies, but to regulate the establishment of cryptocurrency exchange platforms within the legal framework of Russia.

Anton Gorelkin believes that the establishment of legal crypto infrastructure in Russia is influenced by geopolitical realities and needs to take into account factors related to international relations. He went on to add that allowing such infrastructure could expose Russian businesses to Western sanctions.

In addition, Anton Gorelkin pointed out that this restriction may be lifted in the future, saying that users will still be able to use foreign cryptocurrency exchanges and over-the-counter services as before. However, the impact on many over-the-counter cryptocurrency services in Moscow is uncertain.