According to Odaily Planet Daily, Charles Schwab Hong Kong financial advisor Lin Changjie said that the United States may be in a rolling recovery process, and it is expected that the Federal Reserve will have the opportunity to start cutting interest rates two to three times in the second half of this year. He continues to be optimistic about the financial, energy and material U.S. stock sectors that benefit from the high interest rate environment. Lin Changjie believes that traditional investment products such as stocks and bonds will not be replaced by virtual currencies at this time. He pointed out that as the high interest rate environment continues, it is expected that the income of the three major categories of financial, energy and material stocks will have a stable growth. Although the price of Bitcoin continues to set new highs, its supervision is not yet complete, the overall transaction transparency is not high, and investor protection is less, so he believes that Bitcoin will not replace the status of traditional investment products such as stocks and bonds.