According to TechFlow, the first project of Jupiter LFG Launchpad, Zeus Network, launched the Zeus SVM-enabled infrastructure as the backbone to seamlessly connect Solana with multiple blockchain ecosystems. Zeus SVM consists of two main components: the on-chain Zeus Program Library (ZPL) and the off-chain Zeus layer. ZPL is a set of SVM programs and client SDKs that enable developers to build or integrate applications in the future. The off-chain Zeus layer is a peer-to-peer network composed of Zeus nodes that facilitates seamless transfers from one blockchain to another, and is characterized by verifiability and customizability.

With the support of ZPL, Bitcoin assets can be converted into ZPL assets, unlocking the vibrant Solana ecosystem. Users can explore opportunities ranging from DEX to NFT markets, lending, gaming, DePIN, SocialFi, etc. with low fees and high efficiency. ZPL will be applied to $BTC, Runes, and Ordinals in the third quarter of 2024.