According to Odaily Planet Daily, the Eigen Foundation issued a clarification on the X platform regarding the 10% allocation of Season 1 Phase 2 (about 7.77 million EIGEN), Pendle and certain other unresolved (DeFi) contracts: users of Pendle or any unresolved (DeFi) contract will not be penalized in the distribution; it accounts for about 10% of the Season 1 allocation, and the exact allocation of Phase 2 is 9.28%; the allocation of Season 1 Phase 2 is not predetermined, but reflects the total allocation related to unresolved (DeFi) contracts. In addition, Season 2 is now open, and ecological participants after the March 15 snapshot will be taken into account.

The specific distribution of EIGEN's initial total supply Season 1 is as follows: Season 1: 5%, 83.68 million, of which: Phase 1: 4.54%, 75.91 million; Phase 2: 0.46%, 7.77 million. According to its description, any LRT that is split into multiple assets or derivative assets is an "unresolved (DeFi) contract", which will be included in Season 1, Phase 2, including LRT deposited in Pendle, Equilibrium, Penpie and similar protocols, and any use of rsETH tokens from the Kelp project.