According to PANews, the proposal to change the token symbol and migrate the token contract initiated by the Galxe community has been passed with a support rate of 99.71%. GAL tokens will be exchanged for G tokens at a ratio of 1:60. According to previous news, the proposal stated that the plan includes a series of technical improvements, coordination with strategic members of the ecosystem, and planning to ensure a smooth transition process. The main aspects include code base modifications, logo adjustments, and communication strategies for different stakeholder groups. In order to strengthen the brand image and increase community participation, it is necessary to change the original token symbol GAL to G and upgrade the existing GAL token smart contract. If the proposal is passed, GAL tokens will be exchanged for G tokens at a ratio of 1:60. The total supply of G tokens will be changed to 12 billion, which is 60 times the current total supply of GAL tokens of 200 million.