● Stablecoin net inflows in the past week hit the third highest level since 2024

According to Odaily Planet Daily, blockchain analysis platform Artemis said on the X platform that the net inflow of stablecoins reached US$3.4 billion in the past week, setting the third highest level in 2024. Since 2024, the net inflow of stablecoins has continued for 15/16 weeks.

● IntoTheBlock report: Ordinals push Bitcoin fees close to all-time highs

According to Odaily Planet Daily, IntoTheBlock pointed out in its market report on Friday that Ordinals pushed Bitcoin fees to a near-record high. At the same time, Runes may continue to increase Bitcoin transaction fees.

● BlackRock Bitcoin spot ETF IBIT achieved net inflows for 69 consecutive days

According to PANews, Eric Balchunas, senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, tweeted that BlackRock's Bitcoin spot ETF IBIT has achieved net inflows for 69 consecutive days. Data showed that IBIT had a net inflow of approximately US$29.3 million on Friday.

● Grayscale disclosed that the fee rate of its spin-off fund Bitcoin Mini Trust will be 0.15%

According to Odaily Planet Daily, on April 20, Grayscale revealed some details of its spin-off fund Bitcoin Mini Trust (BTC) in the latest document, including a management fee of 0.15%, which is lower than the fee of the parent fund GBTC after its listing. The document also gave an example of the amount of BTC that Grayscale will inject into the Mini Fund, which is 63,204 bitcoins, accounting for about 10% of GBTC's existing assets. Shares of the BTC Trust Fund will be automatically issued and distributed to GBTC shareholders. Grayscale's launch of Bitcoin Mini Trust aims to provide GBTC investors with a low-cost option with a more competitive rate to cope with other Bitcoin ETF products approved in January.

● Yu Xian, founder of SlowMist: Inscriptions are a test field for runes and can promote the development of the Bitcoin network

According to Odaily Planet Daily, SlowMist founder Yu Xian posted on the X platform that he believes that inscriptions are, to some extent, a test field for runes. The large files of inscriptions and a large amount of "meaningless" BRC-20 trace information appeared in the Taproot data of Bitcoin, causing an uproar. However, inscriptions bring violent aesthetics and are very topical. Runes are based on the UTXO model, and the data is stored in OP_RETURN. The space is limited, and what they can do is also limited. They are mainly for the circulation of coins. Yu Xian said that no matter how the heat and controversy go, at least it is a good thing to promote the development of the Bitcoin network. If not, time can give a choice.

● Worldcoin denies allegations of illegal operations in Argentina and faces fines of more than $1 million

According to ChainCatcher, Worldcoin denied allegations of illegal activities in its previous operations in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and explained that Worldcoin prioritizes "the opportunity to interact with government agencies, regulators and third parties to answer any questions they may have". Worldcoin said it has answered all inquiries raised by the provincial authorities since January, and the authorities' allegations against it still need to be confirmed.

As previously reported, Worldcoin was accused of including unfair terms in contracts that violated Argentina's National Consumer Protection Law and of inconsistencies in the processing of biometric data. The alleged problems included unfair terms such as no refunds for suspended services, prohibitions on collective claims, and limiting dispute resolution to California. The company was also accused of not preventing minors from registering and of involving iris data storage issues, and is currently facing a fine of more than $1 million.