According to Odaily Planet Daily, on-chain analyst Ember monitored that as the market fell, the price of CRV had fallen to $0.42. Curve founder Michael Egorov's lending position has once again entered the danger zone. Michael pledged 371 million CRV (about $156 million) on 6 lending platforms through 5 addresses and borrowed $92.54 million in stablecoins. Due to the decline in CRV prices, his lending positions have entered the danger zone, and the lending health rate of multiple positions has dropped to around 1.1. In August last year, in order to avoid liquidation due to the decline in CRV prices, Michael sold 159.4 million CRV to 33 investors/institutions in an over-the-counter transaction in exchange for 63.76 million U stablecoins to repay the loan, with a selling price of $0.4.