According to Odaily Planet Daily, Austin Federa, strategic director of the Solana Foundation, published an article on the X platform, explaining three ways to increase the possibility of transaction inclusion on Solana. First, priority fees, used when calculation/inclusion becomes a bottleneck, are similar to increasing gas fees on other networks, which is global. Second, local fee markets, used when state contention (multiple people trying to do the same thing) becomes a bottleneck, are local. Finally, Stake weighted QoS, which is a Sybil/spam identification engine that can be used with PF/LFM or alone, is also global. Federa emphasized that these features will provide optionality for operators, and there are multiple ways to achieve similar goals depending on their settings, priorities, and configurations. He also mentioned that the V0.5 version deployed now will have some externalities that must be resolved through additional protocol governance.