According to U.Today, Ripple's chief technology officer David Schwartz recently explained the issue of XRP and Ripple naming confusion, which has sparked a long-standing debate in the XRP community. Although XRP and Ripple have a common origin, the two are often mistakenly confused, and this misunderstanding has existed for many years. The discussion was triggered by community enthusiast and lawyer Bill Morgan, who pointed out that XRP was mistakenly labeled as Ripple on the Australian Cryptocurrency Conference website. Schwartz emphasized that they never intentionally created confusion and have made efforts to distinguish between XRP and Ripple. However, the problem lies in the company's unilateral decision to adopt the name "Ripple". Nik Bougalis, former Ripple engineering director, also expressed his views on this, believing that the naming dispute stems from the company's decision to unilaterally adopt the name "Ripple" from the protocol and network. He criticized the decision and believed that its long-term consequences were foreseeable and harmful.