According to Odaily Planet Daily, Kusama has begun accepting referendums on the launch of Coretime. Kusama referendum 372 will decide whether to register the Coretime parachain. Once registered, the rest of the Kusama network can be upgraded to version v1.2.0 and all leases will be migrated to the Coretime parachain. In addition, another referendum will be used to launch the sale of Coretime through the Coretime parachain. Kusama referendum 373 aims to upgrade the Kusama system to Fellowship v1.2.0, with an expected effective date of April 18. Please note that once the upgrade is implemented, the auction will stop immediately, existing leases will be automatically migrated to Coretime, unstarted bids will be canceled, and locked KSM will be refunded. After the two proposals are passed, the official will launch another referendum to open the purchase of Coretime. Parity developer joyce said that if the vote is successful, Coretime is expected to be launched on Kusama on April 18.