According to BlockBeats, Mert Mumtaz, CEO of Solana ecosystem development platform Helius, recently explained the reasons for Solana network instability on social platforms. He pointed out that Solana’s current problems are not due to protocol design, but to bugs in specific implementations. Solana uses the QUIC network protocol, but the current QUIC implementation version has some defects and errors.

Mumtaz further explained that the design of the protocol is like the overall design of a car, while the specific implementation is similar to the car models of different brands. Solana only needs to replace the problematic "parts" without changing the entire "model". He revealed that the implementation being developed by Firedancer does not have the same problem. The fix is ​​expected to be launched on April 15, and the launch time may be delayed if other problems are found during testing.

In addition to technical issues, Mumtaz believes that Solana also needs to consider long-term economic sustainability factors, and after fixing the bugs, the local fee market and economic incentives can be planned more clearly.