According to Odaily Planet Daily, on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitored that during the period from 2024.01.14 to 03.11, a whale opened a position of 23,712 ETH at an average price of $2,596. In the past 12 hours, the whale has sold 1,894 ETH worth $6.5 million through Uniswap LP, and transferred 5,800 ETH and 3 million USDT to the transfer address, with a total value of $22.7 million. The receiving address then provided bilateral liquidity to the ETH/USDC trading pair with a price range of [3399,3409], and sold 1,894 ETH within an hour. The remaining 1,226 ETH have been switched to the [3354,3447] price range for market making, and will all be sold when the ETH price is higher than $3,447. At present, the fee income has made a profit of $84,000.