According to Odaily Planet Daily, on April 5, three blockchain advocacy organizations filed a friend of the court brief to defend Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm's criminal charges in the United States. The documents support Storm's motion to dismiss the charges against him and put forward some arguments to ensure that the developer is protected from such legal proceedings. The Blockchain Association stated that this case has a "key flaw" and its adoption may have an "adverse impact" on the crypto industry.

The U.S. government's designation of Tornado Cash as an unlicensed money transmitter is unfounded because Tornado Cash and its developers have no control over the funds and the protocol is self-executing and immutable. Peter Van Valkenburg, director of research at CoinCenter, said the U.S. government "falsely accused Tornado Cash's developers of criminal conspiracy."

The DeFi Education Fund believes that developers should not be held responsible when third parties use related software for criminal activities. Earlier in late March, Tornado Cash co-founder Roman Storm filed a motion seeking to dismiss all three charges against him, including accusations that he operated a money laundering business and violated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.