According to TechFlow, Scopescan data shows that the address marked as "Teneo: 3AC Liquidation" starting with 0xc7c currently holds a total value of crypto assets of US$602 million. The WLD it holds is currently worth US$567 million (75 million), accounting for 94.1% of the total assets in its wallet. This address has become the 9th largest WLD holder. Other assets include: 8.437 million DYDX, equivalent to approximately US$26.91 million; 5.75 million USDC; 160,000 AXS, equivalent to approximately US$1.32 million. As previously reported, Zhu Su, co-founder of Three Arrows Capital, tweeted that although the Worldcoin investment has received a lot of negative comments, he is pleased that 3AC's creditors have one of the largest WLD holdings in the world.