Alex Odagiu, investment director of Binance Labs, said at the "Binance Blockchain Week" in Istanbul, "The DeFi ecosystem is cumbersome to use. You have to have a self-hosted wallet, which is often cumbersome and slow. The wallet also needs to be linked to the website, and there are many different blockchain networks in the market. So in fact, a lot of it can be simplified by building a better user experience that users really care about, rather than the infrastructure behind it. We will also use Trust Wallet on some panels, and it can be said that their wallet infrastructure has developed to a certain extent. The current account abstraction provides users with more flexibility and logic in building specific use cases, and how to use on-chain wallet addresses to track project dynamics. In addition, BNB Chain has all the tools, and all the infrastructure has made great progress to build a super secure and super fast infrastructure layer. The official launch of the opBNB mainnet can enhance the resilience and decentralization of the network through Proof Enhancement, account abstraction, and data availability of BNB Greenfield."