If your funds are within 50,000, there is a very simple trading method to keep you 'always earning'!
Everyone doesn't need to worry about whether you can learn it; I can seize this opportunity, and so can you. I'm not a god, just an ordinary person. The difference between me and others is that they have overlooked this method. If you can learn this method, in the subsequent trading sessions, it can help you earn at least 3 to 10 points of profit every day.
Investment in batches: Suppose you have 10,000 yuan, divide it into five parts, and use only 2,000 yuan for each trade.
Test the waters: First, use 2,000 yuan to buy a cryptocurrency to test the waters.
Add positions when the market drops: If the price of the cryptocurrency drops by 10%, add another 2,000 yuan to your position.
Sell to lock in profits when the market rises: If the price of the cryptocurrency rises by 10%, sell part of it in time to lock in profits.
Repeat the cycle: Continually buy and sell until your capital runs out or you run out of coins.
Strategic advantages: The benefit of this strategy is that even if the price of the cryptocurrency drops, you can remain calm. By buying in batches, you avoid the risk of a one-time investment. Even if the price drops by half, you are only gradually adding to your position. And each time you sell, you can lock in a 10% profit. For example, if you have 100,000 yuan, and invest 20,000 yuan each time, you can earn 2,000 yuan each time.
Key techniques include:
1. Technical analysis: Use charts and indicators to identify trends,
2. Fundamental analysis: Pay attention to news and macroeconomic factors;
3. Risk management: Set stop-loss orders and diversify investments;
4. Trading strategies: Determine entry and exit points and use different strategies
5. Psychological factors: Maintain discipline and patience;
6. Practice and learning: Simulated trading and continuous learning;
7. Choose reliable platforms