There are eleven days left until President Trump takes office. Unlike last time, he has shown his support for Bitcoin and is committed to including it in the national asset portfolio. Suddenly, the Biden administration announced that it would sell nearly 70,000 Bitcoins that have long been seized and managed by the FBI, stating that this has been authorized by a federal judge since December 30, 2024. This amount of Bitcoin is currently equivalent to 6.5 billion US dollars. This is a ploy to undermine the policies targeting the transition government.

The US government currently holds a total of about 200,000 Bitcoins publicly and is the entity that holds the most Bitcoins in the world. If during these ten days, Biden (who is perhaps the black crow O3ma behind the scenes) can sell off this Bitcoin, the new administration will find it extremely difficult to retain a similar amount in the future.

This is a shock to the global market and has caused all cryptocurrencies to drop sharply for the past three days. This fire sale in the current context only harms the interests of the United States and will indirectly hand over the juicy assets to America's rivals, Russia and China, turning it into a weapon against the United States itself.

No response has yet been seen from President Trump and the new administration regarding this issue. Hopefully, they will take clear action to prevent this madness before it is too late.

Investment advice: those who are into holding can stay calm, there's no need to worry; those who are into short selling should be cautious and should only engage in quick trades.