The amount of time you should wait to buy or sell cryptocurrencies depends on various factors, such as your investment goals, your risk tolerance, and the market in general.
If you are a long-term investor, you may not need to worry about daily market movements. In fact, some experts recommend buying systematically, that is, buying a fixed amount of cryptocurrencies at regular intervals, regardless of the current price.
On the other hand, if you are an active trader, you may want to wait for the market to stabilize or for a trend change to occur. Some technical indicators, such as logarithmic charts, can help you identify patterns and trends in the market.
As for selling, some experts recommend never selling, as the value of cryptocurrencies can increase over time. However, if you need to liquidate your assets, you may want to wait for the market to recover or for a trend change to occur.
In summary, there is no single answer to how long you should wait to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. It is important to research and understand the market before making any decisions.