Word of the day. 8 letters


New Year's Math Joke from 0.012345679


A few days ago, the#RewardHubstore switched to valuing discount vouchers in $USDC.

Since the crypto space is a great place for those who love math puzzles, let's calculate the exchange rate between USDC and our USDC trading fee discount voucher.

185 points = 75 USDC discount

1 point = 75/185 = 0.405(405) USDC discount

200 points = 0.405(405) * 200 = 81.081(081) USDC discount

Exactly 200 points are worth 1 USDC in the Rewards Hub store.

This gives us a price of 1 USDC = 81.081(081) USDC discount

So the exchange rate USDC/USDC discount is approximately 1/81 = 0.012345679


