In the morning, after the midnight pullback to 95000, there was another wave of pins. A deep pin gave a 1500-point callback. The price of the currency fell back to around 93500 to stop the decline. Although the market has recovered, it has rebounded to around 94600. The market is still dominated by shorts. Friends who entered the market at a high position in the morning and those who did not have time to cash in can wait patiently. The market is currently in a short trend and there is no need to worry too much.

The current market sentiment is hard to describe. After the Federal Reserve announced the trouble the day before yesterday, big investors left the market one after another, the market plunged severely, and retail investors were trapped one after another. The key support did not play any role yesterday. The pullback of the midnight market did not change the market sentiment too much. It is still sluggish. It is difficult to recover further with such market sentiment. Looking at the technical level again, the three consecutive negative corrections on the daily line, the closing of the K-line leaves a certain downward space for today. The current lower track is mainly around 92000. With a big market trend early in the day, the white market is expected to be mainly oscillating and consolidating. The US market time is still the top priority. The high point is constantly lowered, and the trend is weak. Then continue to follow the trend and keep shorting at a high position. The target is still to pay attention to the key support of the market.

  Big cake can be short at 94500-95000, with a target of around 92500. Ether can be short at 3340-3370, with a target of around 3250. #加密市场回调 #微策略持续增持BTC $BTC $ETH