🔸This scheme, which I have been using for a year, works great! If you disagree with me, then this is not suitable for you; everyone has their own strategy🔸

💬 My deposit is divided into 2 parts - spot trading and such schemes. How does this work?

  1. Chart $BTC. I only use it, as it controls the market and does not make sharp spikes. In the photo below, I showed you the peaks that the coin makes, which we should wait for. After a strong rise, there is always a correction.

  2. Only short with a minimum leverage of 3-5x. Only isolated trading! Such leverage will protect you from liquidation, as 5x allows you to survive a rise of +19.3%.

  3. First order for 500-1000 USDT. If the price goes up, then with every 1000-1500$ rise I add another 500-1000 USDT to the short. So sometimes the position grows to 4-6000 USDT if entered early.

  4. Considering the risks, it is ALWAYS worth placing another buy order at 1% below the liquidation level. You need to sleep normally, without worrying that something will go wrong.

🔥 Earnings‼️

  1. Since this is a short, you receive funding every 8 hours in 99% of cases, paid by those who went long. On average, this is from 0.02 to 0.1% per day! or about 20% annually from the position (your money multiplied by the leverage).

  2. When the price falls, you can always close your short and make money from it.

  3. P2P. When $BTC drops, people want to bring more money to the exchange. During this time, you can sell your USDT at a rate 5-7% higher than when $BTC is stable. On average, such a price change occurs about 2 times a month in P2P.

💥 Example of one trade‼️

(for example, let's take the market of Ukraine)

30.12.2024 I exchange 500$ at a rate of 42.40. I transfer these 21200 UAH to my card.

30.12.2024 I buy through P2P 508 USDT at a rate of 41.70.

01.06.2025 I set a short on 490 USDT with 5x leverage at a price of 102100$

01-02.07.2025 I receive funding of 0.01%. 3 times (+0.72$)

01.07.2025 I close the short at 99568$. Net profit after commission is 59 USDT. Now the account has 508+59+1 = 568 USDT

01.08.2025 I sell all 568 USDT through P2P at a rate of 44.6 - 25332 UAH.

01.08.2025 in the exchange I buy 591$ at a rate of 42.85. I have real money in my hands!

Net profit for 10 days +91$ or +18.2%

⛔ This is an example of one real small trade. This is not a recommendation for actions‼️(I will gladly answer all questions)