Despite my recent entry into the world of currencies, I have understood many things in a short period of time

1- The fear and greed index (focus on it very, very, very much)

2- The currency that people talk about a lot, buy and sell at the peak, do not be shy of it

3- Enter with a weak capital, take currencies that have zeros 0.00005

and have momentum of buying and selling

4- Stay away from shorts, longs and margin, they are all forbidden, they will destroy your money and anger your Lord

5- The market is like a wave, whenever you feel that the currency has reached a previous peak, sell part of the currency because it may fall at any moment

6- Identify your sources of information from people whose opinion you trust because there are many fatwas in this field

7- Stay away from those who market the pump and dump (raising a certain currency and attracting people to it and selling it at the peak and exiting it) is forbidden and deceiving people

8- Master a specific analysis every day until the end of the year, you will be an analyst and understand

9- Get used to not being afraid when buying from the peak because the price will It comes back after a while, but buy at the lowest point you can buy from, you will have earned more

10- The myth of wealth is just an illusion that happens to the few by following the legitimate methods, or the forbidden methods will get you there quickly, which is what is always marketed