The market color is red 🔴 It's nice that all its deals are before the color spread 😊

From my point of view, when the red color spreads, it's better to invest in many currencies, and I'm not talking about new currencies in the market. There are currencies that have good news and have opportunities in 2025, such as $DOGE and $PEPE 0000, and the market is in a state of decline, meaning you can invest in currencies that are dominant in the market, such as $BTC 0000, with your own research at the time of buying. This is my personal opinion, and thank God, I will invest when it goes down and profit, but be patient, and after patience, I will get it. A piece of advice: When you are following economic or political news, etc., you may have a simple idea about the market going down or up.

Whoever has useful information, let it benefit us ❤ and benefit all of us ❤