$BNB when better ones are readily available? Welcome to another installment in our series on the science behind crypto misconceptions, where we explore how biases inherent in human thinking can shape our decisions, sometimes leading to suboptimal outcomes. In this blog, we’ll examine how status quo bias and the endowment effect can team up to strengthen our aversion to change. Whether it’s sticking with familiar routes or hesitating to try digital assets, these biases reveal why letting go of the familiar can be so challenging. However, awareness and understanding may lead to better choiwhen better ones are readily available? Welcome to another installment in our series on the science behind crypto misconceptions, where we explore how biases inherent in human thinking can shape our decisions, sometimes leading to suboptimal outcomes. In this blog, we’ll examine how status quo bias and the endowment effect can team up to strengthen our aversion to change. Whether it’s sticking with familiar routes or hesitating to try digital assets, these biases reveal why letting go of the familiar can be so challenging. However, awareness and understanding may lead to better choi