Messaging platform Telegram has responded to 900 requests from the United States for user information, according to Cointelegraph, with the number of requests increasing significantly after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France. A 404 Media report dated January 7th noted that Telegram fulfilled 14 requests for IP addresses and phone numbers from January 1st to September 30th, 2024. However, the total number of requests from the United States for the year reached 900, affecting 2,253 users, indicating a surge in requests after October.
On August 24th, French authorities detained Durov, accusing Telegram of facilitating criminal activity. In October, Durov said that since 2018, Telegram has been providing IP addresses and phone numbers of suspected criminals to authorities in various countries upon request, a policy outlined in the platform’s privacy policy. Despite an ongoing legal case that has banned Durov from leaving France, Telegram continues to operate with 950 million monthly active users as of September. The app remains popular, especially in the crypto community, thanks to its end-to-end encryption features.