According to ChainCatcher and reported by Protos, Telegram significantly increased its compliance with data requests, providing details of over 2,000 users to U.S. authorities in 2024.

According to a report by 404 Media, between January 1 and September 30, 2024, Telegram complied with 14 requests from the United States, which involved 'IP addresses and/or phone numbers.' These requests affected a total of 108 users. However, during the remaining time in 2024, Telegram continued to comply with 900 requests from the United States, involving a total of 2,253 users.

Shortly after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, Telegram updated its privacy policy, explicitly stating that it would provide IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities based on valid legal orders. Previously, Telegram had stated that it would only provide this information if the requests were related to potential terrorist crimes.