Will there be a sharp correction in the evening? Or will it go straight to 104000.
Have all the big positive lines of yesterday been connected? The lowest price of the big cake fell back to around 98700, and the second cake fell back to around 3633, both reaching the ultimate goal.
I met with a fan today and talked for an afternoon, so I didn’t update my thoughts today in time. I just finished dinner with my fan friends and sent the fan to the plane. I opened the market and saw that the big cake fell back to around 100400. Many people will think that this market is neither long nor short, but I personally think that the bulls have not finished. Now the focus is on 99200 support and continue to look at 104000.
Now the price of the currency is around 100700, and the radicals can directly play. Go to cover the position once at 99700. For defense, we can put it below 99200.