The news spread through the channels that after the update from the TON Core team, the block creation speed in the network decreased by 2 times.

"Block creation time is one of the main factors affecting transaction processing speed. Previously, your transaction could not be faster than 5 seconds by definition, now it can. Perhaps this is the coolest news about TON in the last few years."

Let's go check if there were any updates in the GitHub repository of the TON blockchain, but there are no updates — the last change is dated December 11.

Maybe Tolya or Kirill tweaked something? Let's check their GitHub, and once again there is 'no activity for 2025'.

Or maybe some indicators of the blockchain itself have changed? We peek into Toncenter — and again, NOTHING.

And the block speed has probably increased by a fraction of a second only because there are only 278 thousand active wallets per day.

So far, there is no reliable confirmation, but currently, TON is used at most 10%. This is far from the full potential laid out by Nikolai Durov.

TON is very flexible, and positive changes can and should be made to its architecture, which means the prospects are much brighter than we can assume.

The NOT team released the Not Research Contest — a platform for content creators where anyone can create unique materials about the ecosystem #notcoin . This can include creative videos, informative posts, in-depth research, infographics — in any format and style.

🔥 Of course, there will be prizes.

All worthy works will be rewarded.

The prize pool is ~$50,000. And besides the cash prize, the best will enter the research community. Where you can communicate directly with the Nota team⭐️

Deadline: February 25

Participation fee: 1000 NOT ($7)

I will gladly participate in this competition. Since this channel is dedicated to Notcoin and the Ton ecosystem. I hope the team notices us and we can convey our ideas and suggestions.

Let's make some noise, noters, leave likes and comments 😊👍