The Solana re-staking platform Solayer has released its 2025 roadmap, which will introduce the hardware-accelerated SVM blockchain Solayer InfiniSVM. This is an infinitely scalable multi-execution cluster architecture that can achieve 100 Gbps through SDN and RDMA connections while maintaining atomic state. Solayer InfiniSVM dynamically shards a single execution machine of SVM to an unlimited number of machines based on application needs using SDN switches and RDMA. By offloading to hardware circuits and kernels, it can achieve 1ms transaction confirmation across ingress, sorting, scheduling, banking, and storage. Additionally, a Hybrid Proof-of-Authority-and-Stake consensus will be introduced. Super leaders can execute 1MM TPS and then coordinate and publish to validators to verify 'shreds', while employing hardware offloading to accelerate transaction processing for super leaders. Solayer has launched product-level suites such as sSOL and sUSD, which will be integrated as native yield-bearing assets on the Solayer chain. In addition to using applications on the Solayer chain, users can also stake, re-stake, earn yields, and spend in the real world.