Before the bull market arrives, many retail investors often frequently switch coins and cut losses, hastily stopping losses at the slightest unrealized loss, resulting in principal amounts of hundreds of thousands turning into tens of thousands. In fact, those who can truly make money in a bull market are often those who are optimistic about the sector and consistently hold their positions. Remember, the trend of sector rotation will eventually come to you, as long as you are patient and wait.

Behind a bull market is the accumulation of funds. When a large amount of capital continuously flows into the market, with buying far exceeding selling, a rising market will naturally follow. So, how do we attract external funds into the cryptocurrency space? This requires some news that can generate widespread attention and ignite investor enthusiasm.

If most investors choose to wait and see, then it is necessary for leading funds to take the initiative to enter the market and speculate. When those 'prophets' start to act, other observers will see the wealth effect and follow suit, instantly increasing the market's activity. As more money flows into the market, a bull market will naturally arrive. In summary, patience and confidence are the core of investing; do not be swayed by short-term fluctuations, and firmly grasp your own opportunities!