Binance Anti-Phishing Code: Protecting Your Funds🔐
The anti-phishing code is a security feature on Binance that helps protect your account from phishing attacks.
How does it work?
You create a unique code (for example, a word or numbers) that will appear in every official email from Binance. If the email does not contain your code, it may be a fake message.
Why is it needed?
1. Identification of genuine emails: You can easily distinguish an official email from a phishing one.
2. Protection from fraudsters: Fraudsters often forge emails from the exchange to steal your data.
How to set it up?
1. Log in to your Binance account.
2. Go to the security settings.
3. Find the "Anti-Phishing Code" section.
4. Create and save your code.
Use a code that is easy to remember but hard to guess.
Do not share it with anyone.
If you do not see the code in the email, do not click on any links!
The anti-phishing code is a simple but effective way to protect your assets. Set it up right now! 💡