Dreaming is free, living costs.
2025 is a time to reconsider if what you were doing is right, but be careful not to overthink it. It's January 5th and Christmas is coming soon; your year can pass by that quickly if you procrastinate. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Go to sleep satisfied and tired knowing that you did everything you had to do and more. Reach the middle of the year with at least some progress, maybe not in money 💲 but in achievements.
Whether you are into crypto, e-commerce, info products, software, etc., making money online has never been so simple, but it's not easy. Making money doesn't happen overnight; it takes a lot of time and discipline. We were led to believe that people became millionaires, but we only saw the result, not the process. It's a game, play it and take your time to finish it—1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, etc. years—and reap your reward.
Wishing much success to anyone reading this and to myself as well. Happy 2025.