Do Altcoins start a new upward trend?

The Total 2 chart is experiencing a breakout after days of accumulation, those periods when people seem to complain the most, the days when $STRK holders are restless.

I hope $STRK holders can listen to my real story and draw their own mindset conclusions.

Those were the days when going out for a year-end meal, meeting an old friend from the same hometown.

He was also a genuine $STRK holder who couldn't endure the tough waves of the market during the last waves. He officially left the boat and went to find a new ferry. But should this be a sad or a happy thing?

As for myself, I'm half sad, half happy?

Sad for my friend, who couldn't get through the toughest phases of the market to achieve victory among the few remaining in the market to win glory for himself.

Happy that this shows the toughest phase of the market is gradually coming to an end. The purges are making the journeys lighter, leaving only the most valuable and deserving members of the market.

So what about you all, what is your mindset now? Are you afraid to look for a new ferry, or are you firmly holding on until the last moment to become the last members to receive the deserved rewards?