January 5, $MANTA Coin Analysis
According to our current Manta Network price prediction, the Manta Network price is expected to increase by 228.30% and reach $3.10 by February 4, 2025.
According to our technical indicators, the current market sentiment is neutral with the Fear & Greed Index at 72 (Greed). Manta Network has recorded 14/30 (47 percent) green days in the last 30 days and has shown a price volatility of 14.86%.
According to Manta Network's forecast, now is a good time to buy Manta Network. According to our technical indicators, Manta Network's 200-day SMA (Moving Average) will increase in the coming month and reach $1.043615 by February 4, 2025. Manta Network’s short-term 50-day SMA is expected to reach $1.473032 on February 4, 2025.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a popular indicator that shows whether a cryptocurrency is oversold (below 30) or overbought (above 70). The RSI is currently at 52.91, suggesting that the MANTA market is in a neutral position.
With today’s classic pivot point (P1) at $0.963652, Manta Network’s support levels are $0.935161, $0.911787, and $0.883297 as the strongest support level. Similarly, Manta Network’s resistance levels are $0.987026, $1.015516, and $1.038891.