Teach you to observe acquaintances, quickly remember these!

1. Women with large, thick, beautifully shaped ears are sentimental, soft-hearted, easy to negotiate with, and know how to be grateful and repay kindness.

2. Women with full, fleshy noses, wide nostrils without protrusion, tend to be beneficial to their husbands and can accumulate wealth.

3. Those with interrupted eyebrows often have many bad friends in life or have discord with siblings.

4. Women with faces like bitter melons who rarely smile, and have thick, coarse eyebrows, tend to be irritable and difficult to get along with.

5. Women with downturned mouth corners often have a lot of negative emotions in marriage, and those with downturned eyes and brows typically have negative energy.

6. Women with many irregular forehead lines and deep, long nasolabial folds find it hard to control their emotions, are sensitive and suspicious, and are reclusive and inflexible, making them difficult to get along with.