Here’s a breakdown of the Chainlink evolution chart:

The Knight of Shadows

It started with a “Knight of Shadows” pattern, a dizzying plunge that made investors wonder if they were watching a price chart or an amusement park.

Dracula’s Castle Mountain

But then two impressive peaks emerged, a typical representation of the Dracula’s Castle Mountain pattern, bringing out a cold sweat onlookers. Market “vampires” grabbed their capes, ready to flee.

Two Empire State Buildings

And suddenly, two gigantic peaks, a classic formation of the Empire State Building loop pattern, emerged, making everyone wonder if Chainlink had discovered the secret of gravity, accompanied by a brief moment of the Olinda Slope pattern.

Stairway to Heaven

But the surprise came with the “Stair Way to Heaven” pattern – five steps of dizzying ascent! Investors jumped out of their seats, shouting: “We’re climbing to heaven!”