After making a lot of money from trading cryptocurrencies, how can you safely convert it to RMB?

If you suddenly made twenty million from trading cryptocurrencies, now you need to figure out how to safely convert this money into RMB. You might look for a U dealer to trade, but there are significant risks involved!

Some U dealers may give you 'dirty money', which is money from unknown sources. Once you receive such money, your bank account may be frozen.

Even if a U dealer guarantees that their money is fine, you can't fully trust them. Because even if there are no issues this time, if their money is involved in a case next time, your account could still be frozen retrospectively.

So after making a lot of money from trading cryptocurrencies, if you want to safely exchange it for RMB, you must be extremely cautious! Don't just focus on making money and forget about the risks. You need to find a reliable U dealer and keep a close eye on your bank account. If you notice anything wrong, you must address it immediately.

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