So far, Elon Musk has not commented on the reason behind this latest move. Interestingly, this is not the first time he has changed his digital identity on the platform. In previous occasions, he has called himself “Mr Tweet” and “Naughty Moniker,” and has also changed his tweet logo to an image of a Shiba Inu dog, the symbol of popular cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

This behavior has made cryptocurrency investors anticipate Musk's statements regarding the current situation, especially with their expectations that he will play a major role in pushing currencies like DOGE to solve the US debt crisis, which has reached $36 trillion.

Continuous gains for Kekius Maximus

According to Coingecko, Kekius Maximus is still making significant gains. The coin is currently trading at $0.1239 after surging 880% in the past 24 hours. Its market cap is $124,075,780, with a trading volume of $71,111,178, reflecting the significant impact of Musk’s recent moves.

Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to encourage the purchase of any asset, nor is it considered a request, offer, recommendation or suggestion for investment. We would like to remind you that each asset is evaluated from multiple perspectives and has significant risks, therefore any investment decision and the risks associated with it are up to the investor. We also do not provide any investment advisory services.




