Telegram has decided to start the year with a loud announcement! The first update of 2025 includes account verification through a decentralized platform, where instead of the usual blue checkmarks, there are unique badges. This is how the platform fights against fraudsters and sets new security standards.

And this is already interesting: Telegram allows you to convert gifts into NFTs. You bought Telegram Stars, gifted something unusual to a friend, and it can already be turned into a collectible asset. Want more? These NFTs can be sold, which means there's a chance not only to delight friends but also to earn money.

Plus, emoji reactions have been added for service messages, new search filters in chats, as well as monetization through cryptocurrency for content creators. Telegram shows how easily social networks and cryptocurrency can be connected.

What do you think, are NFTs and decentralization the future or just a trendy fad? Share in the comments! And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss the main news about how technology is changing our lives.