At midnight, after the big pie retraced to the 93600 line, the bulls began to counterattack, resulting in a stretch of over 2000 points, peaking around 96000 during the afternoon, successfully reversing the previous weak market sentiment. Although it couldn't break the previous high, it is still evident that the bulls have strong recovery expectations. Recently, the market volatility has gradually increased, and corresponding opportunities are also increasing. If you can't adapt to the rhythm and make accurate judgments in time, following Xiangyu Shihuan will definitely yield rewards.
From the four-hour level, yesterday at midnight, the price retraced to the middle band of the Bollinger Bands and then rebounded. It faced pressure at the upper band and failed to continue the upward trend, with the top-bottom conversion from the previous middle band strong resistance to strong support. The daily K level has successfully recovered and broken through the 7-day moving average pressure, with momentum to continue extending upwards. In the afternoon, we can look to buy low as we see the bulls continue.
Big Pie: 94800~95100 bulls, looking up to 96600.
Auntie: 3360~3380 bulls, looking up to 3460. #比特币战略储备 #MicroStrategy增持BTC #2025有哪些关键叙事? #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $XRP