What is the CoinMarketCap 100 Index? The CoinMarketCap 100 Index (CMC100 Index) is a benchmark designed to measure the performance of the top 100 cryptocurrency projects by market capitalization, as ranked by CoinMarketCap. It excludes stablecoins (i.e. USDT) and tokens that are pegged to other crypto assets (i.e. WBTC or stETH). The index represents the broader cryptocurrency market while providing insights into the performance of a diverse set of digital assets.
What is the CoinMarketCap 100 Index methodology?
The methodology for the CoinMarketCap 100 Index is outlined as follows: Constituent Selection: Includes the top 100 cryptocurrencies ranked on CoinMarketCap, excluding stablecoins and wrapped tokens. Weighting Method: Weighted by market cap. Rebalancing: Performed monthly at 12:00 AM UTC on the first day of each month. Currency: Calculations are performed in USD. Calculation Frequency: Index levels are updated every five minutes based on validated CoinMarketCap data sources
Why is the CoinMarketCap 100 Index important?
The CoinMarketCap 100 Index is an essential benchmark for cryptocurrency market performance, offering valuable insights into broader market trends and the overall health of the digital asset ecosystem. By covering a diverse range of sectors within the cryptocurrency market, the index provides a quantifiable measure of market performance, making it a widely used benchmark for market participants.
Can I invest directly in the CoinMarketCap Index?
No, the CoinMarketCap 100 Index is not an investment product and cannot be traded or invested in directly. It serves as a statistical representation of the market, providing a reference point for market performance and assisting in investment decisions.