What would you do if you were the creators of Usdt?
In Europe, they are exchanging all currencies for euros, Usdc, since the mica law will come into effect in Europe in 48 hours. Now, the creators of Usdt are doing the same because they fear a decapitalization of Tether Usdt. It’s logical; if exchanges allow the exchange of Usdt for Usdc and other stablecoins, then Usdt becomes decapitalized because many sell it and do not buy it back, thus the currency loses value due to the large overselling, and that will cause great damage to the crypto ecosystem. I advise exchanging Usdt for Usdc and remaining calm, and only acquiring coins with Usdc and being careful when selling them to do so with Usdc. Anything could happen just like with the USD, which was decreased by 70 percent. It’s better to secure and not regret because why do you think BTC rose so much until the mica law comes into effect? Something strange will happen in the medium term.