BOSS Wallet data source, Uniswap real-time price quotes, UNI's latest price today reached $13.801, a drop of up to -3.03%, and a trading volume of $481 million
According to the K-line chart analysis, it is now in a volatile trend. Compared with 10:00, it fell sharply and rebounded compared with 07:00. Prices and trading volumes rose simultaneously, and market sentiment was high. The William indicator shows that it is now in a state without overbought and oversold.
The trading volume has increased recently, and the trading volume has increased compared with the previous few hours. The price and trading volume have risen at the same time: the trading is active and the upward momentum is strong.
The market volatility has led to a decline. It is recommended to continue to pay attention, buy on dips, and wait for the opportunity to rise.
The above content is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice.