True or false.

You'll see how simple everything is when you stop complicating things yourself.

Can anyone else make you rich?


Do you need to know the future exactly to get rich?


Do they want to sell you knowledge about the future?

Is it true

Do they know the future?


Do they want to make you rich?


Do they have a motive to feed you fairy tale crap?

Is it true

Do you know the stories of those who made real money here?

Is it true

Did they know when they would become rich?


Did someone's advice make them rich?


Did patience help them?

Is it true

Do those who sell you tokens want to get rich?

Is it true

Will the money they have already earned ever be enough for them?


Does this give you the opportunity to make money?

Is it true

Will you repeat the same mistake?

Is it true

Do you learn from other people's mistakes?


Is there a guaranteed strategy in the world that will make you rich?


Are there people in the world who want to sell you a fairy tale about working ways to get rich?

Is it true

Do you need these fairy tales to get rich?


Are you sure you will be rich?


Is it worth trying? Any chances?

Is it true

The more shit in your head, the less chances you have?

Is it true

The majority loses?

Is it true

Logically, most of the information around this market is crap - right?

Is it true

Can you improve your chances by simply stopping filling your head with garbage?

Is it true

All you know about this market is from other people?

Is it true

Are you critical of what you know about this market?


Do I need your attention?

Is it true

Am I the same as them?


Am I the same as you?

Is it true

Am I tired of these chatterboxes?

Is it true

I promise to make you rich?


Can I make it easy for you?

Is it true.