Opportunities come and go, and losing money is also a kind of regret, so always keep a portion of cash. Cash can also appreciate; it gives you the chance to buy assets that have been "sold off due to excessive leverage," just like on August 5th.

Cash can also help you stay calm during volatility because you know your living expenses are secured.

One more thing, try to avoid debt and leverage; being debt-free means you will never be forced to sell assets. If we head down a deflationary path (like now), most indebted people will be forced to sell assets (including houses) to repay debts, which is a situation you never want to encounter.

Just like the big volatility in 2020, seasoned investors know it was an opportunity, but most people with leverage were forced to liquidate or exit to secure their living.

People thought the world would end in March 2020, but it was actually just a new beginning; March 12 forever changed our life trajectories.

So keep a portion of cash to secure your living, maintain solvency, stay rational, and remember what you have.

As always, enjoy the winter! 👌👍