Eclipse: Turbo Tap

▶️ #activities

🤗Turbo Tap is a tapping game from the Eclipse team, where everything is classic: ref. codes, clicks, collecting points. To combat bots, a pay-per-click system was introduced.

🎧Before tapping, each participant must buy a package for a certain number of clicks.

Minimum: 10k clicks for 0.0005 ETH (~$1.75)

▫️How to participate?

• Open the tapping page and enter the referral code;

• You can get the code in the Eclipse off. chat ⁠Eclipse - click;

• Connect the BackPack wallet, with it we will receive +10% points;

• To sign transactions, we will need ETH in the Eclipse network. The cheapest way to transfer it from L2 is via relay;

• Go to the service page and create a free domain by linking Twitter;

• Return to the tapalka and connect Discord.

• Click on the bull and give approval, then click on it again and buy one of the packages;

• Tap on the bull, thereby gaining points (they may not be displayed immediately);

• After refreshing the page, we will see the "Invite Friends" section, where we will find ref. codes for inviting new players.

▫️Deadline: unknown.

🔍Important point! The team emphasizes that by clearing the browser cache, we will lose all previously farmed points.

🗣Planning to participate?

😎DOUBLETOP — more than crypto